This post is a copy of a mass email we sent out. We are posting it here in case you are not on our mailing list or did not see that email for some reason.
As I’m sure you know, at least here in the US, we’ve been dealing with inflation for quite a while now. Everything from gasoline to groceries has seen significant price increases.
In our industry, we have also seen the prices increasing on everything, from shirts to overhead to labor to supplies. The USPS and UPS increased their prices every year, and yet we have not increased our shipping rates in over 6 years.
Because of the recent situation, we have reached a point where we lose money on the shipping of almost every order, and it’s become necessary that we finally make an adjustment to our shipping rates in accordance with the increasing costs.
Effective Monday, May 1, we will implement the new shipping rates shown below. The shipping rates on our website will be updated by Monday to reflect these new rates. Most orders will only see a minor change in the total cost, and we have done everything we can to keep the increase to a minimum.
We hope you understand the reason for this change and we certainly hope it will have a minimal impact on your business.
Thank you again for your understanding with this situation.
New Shipping Rates